Body Balance Activation for Animals

Body Balance Activation is a form of energy alignment, activating, clearing & realigning our connection to our Source.

Our animals help to carry & process our energy, our emotions, our thoughts…so sometimes this is what needs clearing & then we work through the owner for the animal, or directly with the animal as they also can become overwhelmed with physical stresses, as well as emotional & mental patterning & overload from the environment around them. Animals process differently to us humans and are not as complex ie holding grudges, or blame, or other very human attributes, but they can learn certain trauma or fear responses especially when they are very young due to their environment eg. rescued animals that have had to hide and scavenge for food, or have been abused or neglected.

“It is our intention to create a space where relaxation & allowing is as natural as breathing, & where healing is simply the aligning of energy…”

It is our Divine Birthright to live in joy & happiness, to have an abundance of all that is good for us & to feel peace and calm as a normal & natural way of life. We DO have an original Divine Blueprint of which these things are inherent. This is the same for animals & they are able to reconnect in their way so much more quickly & easier than we are able to.

For an in-person session we ask that you come & hold or be with your animal, sometimes they do not want to stay still or it is not an animal that is used to being ‘confined’ for long or less ‘domesticated’ animals eg rabbits, or farm animals, rehabilitating wild animals etc. Then it is helpful to meet the animal and if possible use a piece of it’s fur which we use on our distance work template in the vicinity of the animal.

Or we use a similar process in distance work , if we are able to access a piece of the animal’s fur, or we ask for a couple photos or videos and the animal’s name to connect with the animal’s energy. If this is your close pet we will ask you to sit quietly at the appointed time with your animal on the bed or a comfy safe place for both of you. We can do this meeting via Zoho Meetings or connect in at the beginning and the end of the session.

Sentences are quietly & gently spoken out loud at certain times this is part of the process.

We generally work on the Physical level for the animal, & the Emotional, the Mental, if this feels necessary (this may be the case if the animal is directly holding and carrying for the owner).

We begin on the levels that your animal’s body requires first, what it allows on that day. Because all the bodies / levels are linked the shifts occur through all of the levels.

A one-off session is a wonderful tool for realigning their bodies.

There can also be a series of sessions which helps the animal adjust and re calibrate due to the clearing & processing within each level, which can show up in many ways, and is just part of what is being cleared.

Several sessions can help this process along as “each session continues the work from the last one and the result is exponential.”

“All of this work is calibrated according to your innate wisdom. It is our wish to encourage and assist each being to create the lives they came here to live.” (Tracy White – founder of BBA)

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