Discovering My Inner Dragon: A Journey to Self-Realization

When I suddenly realised that I am Dragon – when this realisation connected & made my heart sing – it was stronger than any other energetic connection had ever been.

It filled my being with a definite knowingness I had not felt before. An instant understanding that filled me with a sense of belonging. This is who I am, this is who I be! & have always been, even though I may have incarnated in different planets / places, and been different beings… This is why I don’t always feel like I fit in 100% with others, on an energetic level, there is a certain sense of displacement.

I have found ‘my place’, an inner feeling, a knowing within every cell. Memories would cascade into my meditations of life before. I became so hungry to find out more, to affirm these feelings & understandings, knowings, there must be others! Hunting for others! But Dragons had not moved out into the everyday yet…again…

Month by month, & year by year Dragons have moved back into the human world, in movies, in pictures, brand names, figurines, cappuccino froth, jewelry, it is de-light-full to now have Dragons move into the spotlight, for the true knowledge of their beings and existence to be lightening the world once more.

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