Energy Alignment Healing

Energy Alignment Healing with the Divine Light Dragons & Beings of  Solar Light.

A high vibrational weaving of colour, light and love throughout your bodies, this is through the Golden frequencies of Solar Light held by the Sun & Star Beings from Lyra. Helping to align with your higher 5D chakras, & integrate them into your chakra system. To connect with your light body, your photonic body. Clear & cleanse all your energy bodies including your physical being, this works through your past & your future, aligning into Now, and helps to shift and transform on many levels, especially in the emotional & mental bodies, aligning your 3D into your 5D, holding you in a beautifully aligned space of harmony & love.

This can be a wonderfully transformative healing as you progress along your journey of finding & rediscovering YourSelf, when learning to step into who you truly Be. It will leave you feeling filled with Joy & Excitement, Loved, Supported & Able!

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