Home & Land Alchemy

Energy clearing & cleansing for your home, land or a particular space.

This is intuitive distance / remote work done as a team, we will let you know when we will be working on your space via email, and thereafter connect with you via zoho meetings or email. Please see below for more details.

Bring Peace, Light & Love back into your special space!

Energy clearing & cleansing for your home, land or a particular space from dense, negative, stuck energies. These can ‘collect’ / accumulate over time due to many factors which include emotions, entities, EMF, psychic energies, land / earth stresses, trauma and many other causes. Home, land, space alchemy is the movement & transformation of the energy of your space, the space around you, your home space, your environmental space, the space of your land.

This space is unique & individual in the history it holds. It is much like working with the energy of a living being, as there is much that can held in the spaces ‘in between’ which contribute to the energy flow becoming stuck or having an unhealthy or unsafe feeling.

This is intuitive distance / remote work we do as a team & in collaboration with the Dragons & Beings of Light, using Golden frequencies of Light to imbue your space with a positive energy flow & high vibrational weaving of light & love. Leaving this space feeling lighter, happier, brighter, calmer & more peaceful.

If this is what you are needing, please email a photo, max 5 photos of the space you would like cleared and cleansed, with your name, phone number & address / location of this space to :  clear@dragonpearl.co.za. We will respond via email, to let you know we have received your request & when we have booked the initial session for. We do the initial session and thereafter a follow-up & then a ‘check-in’ on this space. During this time we connect with you either by email or meeting online, and then again after completion.

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