Meet Maa Ra & The Sun Beings – Part 2

C: Do you and the other Lyrans speak for the Dragons?

Maa Ra: As counterparts, we work together. We speak in other ways. Don’t use words. Symbols, sounds, light, energy, frequency, we communicate in that way. I can bring the words to you.

You know the Sun Beings well. Felines, lions, what you call them. We are, we were, from the beginning of time. We were worshipped as Sun Beings….we are connected to the light.

C: In this group, is it only Lyrans or Sun beings? And are you all counterparts of dragons?

Maa Ra: No. We are the golden ones. The sun ones. Some look like lions. Some do not. Some look different. Some are different. Some are emissaries for the dragons. Some are not. We come together to share. We come together to bring information and knowledge. And together, many bring more than one. Many beings bring more than one. And together we accomplish more than one.

C: Does each being in this group come from a different planet or a system? And have you been near Earth for long? Or do you all come from Lyra?

Maa Ra: There are many planets that make Lyra. Around star Vega. We come from them. We have visited Earth before. When we were welcome. And we have been again. But now we are welcome again. People are ready. People are waking up. People are moving up.

We come as a group. We come as 13. We are golden. There are many planets that make up Lyra. We make up the group. I am an emissary for the dragons and other beings.

We speak to bring information and words, and encoded words with keys. Sun codes. Key codes. Sun. Because we all come from the sun. The original sun. The original being. It is very different to what humans think. But that is why the sun, because this is but a piece. Little sun of the big sun. Your words are so small. This galaxy is still just one piece, one piece of many. But an important one.

C: I remember you saying that the group of you that are here are sun beings. What makes you sun beings?

Maa Ra: The light, the sun, the fire. We connect through the sun. We communicate through the light. But the sun and all suns are the same in all places. So we use the solar being of light to communicate in all directions, dimensions. Again, it is a universal form of connection. It conveys and communicates. It is like a stargate. But that is why the sun and that is why the gold. It is part of the same frequency and energy. Which is also why you have gold in the planet and why everybody is always so hungry for gold. It communicates power but it has been perversed to provide power here. But it was not just a form and frequency. It aids connection. It brings and connects to the solar frequencies. The movement in fire, moving light and in all of that is all colour, all sound. The basis of creation into a physical form.

C: Do you also have higher selves?

Maa Ra: The sun beings, the light beings, are our solar bodies, our light bodies, our higher selves. To explain them in your terms. We are embodied in the Lyran, some are not, but live in Lyra, in the planets that make us up. We are communal, but we are separate.

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