Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression is a safe & gentle form of hypnotherapy, where you are guided into a hypnotic state much like a deep meditation where you are still aware of your surroundings and in complete control of your process. This reconnection to your past can be a wonderful therapeutic tool for understanding many things in this life.

A past life can also be understood as a parallel life, as we stand on the spiral of our NOW time, this gives us an ability to explore these lifetimes and even make changes within them, to bring these fragments back into who we are right now at this moment, so we are able to bring the parts back to form a whole and feel more whole within.

These memories are in our subconscious mind as they are a part of our Selves, our Energy Selves that is our Core Essence, the essence of who we truly are, through visiting & connecting into our subconscious memories we recover what we have forgotten. It is a cellular memory.

And from this, deeper levels of putting the pieces of OUR puzzle together…a love of art, a fascination with aeroplanes…an underlying feeling of not being good enough, or intense joy when we see a red ribbon…funny little pieces and emotions and thoughts that make up part of us but we are never quite sure where they come from, they are often pieces from a life before – the sum of the parts makes the whole!

This is not exclusively about life on this earth…there are more and more clients who come and their regression is to a life on another planet. They are Starseeds and Star Beings, there is so much to explore within our own selves.

This is such exciting and rewarding work!

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