Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz a stone that loves to be held and loved and touched, interacted with, a crystal of love….it was made to be worked with, consciously and with intent.

Please find as many pieces of rose quartz as you wish, but find one special one in particular. A piece that fits in your hand comfortably, a piece that “talks to you”….

This is YOUR piece, it is a piece of YOU, a piece of your heartšŸ’– … This is the piece of you that needs to be loved, for you to love, as most essentially we need to love ourselves, our inner BEings before we can share that love and give it out to the world. This is something most of us do to the point of exhaustion and then wonder why we cannot cope.

Please cleanse all your pieces of rose quartz and keep them together in a special space inside or outdoors, except your precious šŸ’– piece, please gently take your šŸ’– stone and wash it with love and care, with a cloth, in some rose water or whatever way is most heartfelt for you. Bathe your very beautiful šŸ’– anchor with tenderness, and care, it has carried you with courage through many hard and difficult times but is still beating with love for you at this very moment, waiting to fill you with light and joy, to connect you to your very beginning and end…

Bathe your amazing šŸ’– with the focused intent of washing away the wounding and walls within it, from this lifetime and all past lives where this wounding has impacted and has caused a closing off in some way within your heart space.

Kryon talks about a lightworkers’ anchor of sadness….an accumulation of all our woundings…we can go back to the very first time we felt pain in our hearts, we can ask for this to be washed away, cleansed, released and to finally let our ‘anchor’s of sadness’ fall away….to wash away in a sea of love and light. We no longer need to feel the pain and suffering, the loneliness, that has been experienced through so many lifetimes.

This no longer serves us and is no longer necessary but something we have become accustomed to.

We NO longer need to serve in pain. We are ascending. We need to consciously acclimatise our Incredibly Beautiful Hearts to accepting and receiving.

LOVE, light, joy, play, fun, abundance, ease are our gifts for work hard won,

And to then SHINE and SHARE this, so others can find the way too

…so easy to say and not so easy to do….šŸ’–

After washing our šŸ’– piece with gentleness, and some tender loving care, we need to dry and polish our gorgeous, sparkling, wild, sovereign and free šŸ’– ‘s with the concious intent of being fully aware of the incredible unconditional love and support that is being showered around us, for us, in gratitude from so many that are with us all the time, in spirit, in thought, in heart.

Held in the arms of the Seraphim of Love, wrapped in their wings of unconditional acceptance, always, in all ways.

This creates a daily connection to our heartspace

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